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Weinwirtschaft about Enoitalia’s growth in the sparkling segment

17 June 2020

The German magazine reports on the goals achieved by Enoitalia last year, from the increase in production to the strategic importance of the Prosecco DOC segment.


On Weinwirtschaft – one of the most important and reliable sources of information on wines and spirits, owned by the Meininger group – an article about Enoitalia and the strategic choices that led it to be the 2nd producer of Prosecco and the seventh most important Italian company for turnover.

Below is the translation of the editorial.

After a year, Enoitalia has grown to such an extent that it has become the second largest producer of Prosecco and at the same time has passed from the 9th to the 7th position of the largest wine companies in terms of turnover in Italy.

The acceleration of Enoitalia is however unprecedented: the Prosecco DOC empire started from one in 2013 to reach 40 million bottles in 2019, and only in the last year has seen production increase by about 11 million bottles. In 2018 the company significantly implemented its production capacity with an investment in a new winery in Montebello Vicentino dedicated mainly to the production of sparkling wines.

Germany is not (yet) part of the main markets of Prosecco DOC for Enoitalia, even though sales have doubled in 2019.

«For 2020 we are seeing a growing trend so far, despite the crisis, thanks to the market diversification policy. Obviously, we see a drop in sales in the on trade segment in the UK, but at the same time the off trade has increased sales in volume. In addition, Scandinavia is increasing its sales and large orders have also arrived from Canada», so the intermediate considerations of the longtime export manager Eva-Maria Vanajas.