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Best of Show Sardinia red award for our Passo Sardo Cannonau di Sardegna DOC

20 April 2022

Passo Sardo Cannonau di Sardegna DOC wins the highest scores among Sardinian red wines at Mundus Vini 2022


Why do we know we offer the best? Because our wines receive prestigious awards from international juries, certifying the very high quality, raising the name of Italian wine.

This is the case of Passo Sardo Cannonau di Sardegna DOC vintage 2020: a wine as fragrant and intense as its homeland, which was able to stand out at the recent 30th edition of Mundus Vini, reaching the podium of Sardinian red wines.

For this award, many thanks to those who worked hard to achieve such goal: a team that shares the passion for wine and winemaking.